5 Things-That Boost the Immune System


vitamins to boost immune system

Boost Immune System

Nutrient deficiency is the most commonly noted reason for immune malfunction. People in third world countries are more prone to epidemics and other common illnesses than people in developed countries around the world. The reason for this can is that third world counties lack proper food or face malnutrition. There exists a direct relation between your food intake and the immune system. A well balanced and healthy diet indicates a healthy immune system. The immune system performs a heavy-duty job and thus requires proper fuel injection to meet its needs. Your immune system fights off the invasion of germs and bacteria into the human body. Not just this, it destroys the germs and produces chemicals to carry out this fight. Hence to perform these multitasks, getting the right nutrients can provide the immune system with what it wants. 

 5 Best Immune System Booster.

Omega-3 fatty acids: these fatty acids spring from flax oil and fish fat. They help in the creation of white blood cells which fight against the bacteria. You can add these to your diet to improve your immune system. 

 Zinc: can be found in foods such as meat, pumpkin seeds, mustard, eggs, poultry, and seafood. It provides your immune system with the ability to fight against the flu and cold. Also, this mineral adds to the body’s ability to produce more white blood cells. These cells are also known as killer cells for they kill the cancerous germs putting up a massive fight waving off cancer. Zinc also increases the production of antibodies. 

 Vitamin E: is sure to bolster your immune system. This vitamin is found abundantly in most of the green vegetables especially the leafy ones. But the substances oozing with vitamin E are nuts, sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil, and seeds. Vitamin E enables the immune system to put up a fight against cardiovascular diseases. With passing time the immune system gets weaker and vitamin E has the power to refurbish your immunity.

 Vitamin C: citrus fruits happen to be the best source of vitamin C. It is also found in many vegetables such as tomatoes, broccoli, green beans, turnips, green peas, etc. Like vitamin E, the major function of vitamin C is to increase the production of white blood cells that fight germs. And it’s a very strong immune booster also. 

 Garlic: Just like its strong taste, garlic very strongly improves the immune function. Garlic augments the production of killer cells and antigens. It fights against cancer and infection, improving the overall efficiency of the immune system. Selenium: it is believed to strengthen the white cells. Selenium also allows the free movement of these cells. This mineral is richly found in lobsters, shrimps, vegetables, whole grains, tuna, brown rice, egg yolks, and cottage cheese.

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  1. An informative post with great tips. Thanks for sharing it. these foods are great for strengthening immunity


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