If you practice yoga at home or at the yoga studio for a long time, you will be enjoying the benefits of asana during your menstruation time. Different poses have different benefits but there are few easy poses that will reduce your pain during your monthly cycle. Yoga poses are proven to be helpful in managing negative effects during menstruation. Below are the poses which will help in relieving pain and discomfort.
1. Child's Pose is also known as Balasana in Sanskrit.
2. Camel Posture is also known as Ustrasana.
3. Bharadwaja Twist / Hip opening posture is also called as Bharadwajasana.
4. Janu Sirsasana -[Head to knee posture].
5. Baddha Konasana - [ Bound angle pose or Cobbler's Posture]
Balasana releases tension in your back, should and neck muscles. It is a relaxing pose which can help to relieve pain during periods. We can hold the balasana can as long as you are comfortable in the posture. To perform this posture, you need to sit on your both the knees in a way that your body is resting on the top of your thighs and arms are stretched outwards in front of you.
Bharadwaja is one of the seven great saints (Saptarishis). This asana has calming effects on your body and helps to soothe your nervous system.
How to do Bharadwajasana:
1. Sit in Dandasana.
2. while inhaling, fold both the legs. Bring both the feet by the side of right buttock and place the left foot on the ground, left heel touching the right buttock and toes pointing towards the right side.
3. Place the right foot over the left foot, toes pointing backwards.
Maintain this posture for about 30 seconds to 60 seconds with normal breathing.
Note: Those with diarrhoea, severe knee and back problem should avoid this asana.
Ustra means a camel. This asana is good for backaches, breathing problems, arthritis, gastric trouble and overcome menstrual discomfort.
Method to follow Ustrasana:
1. Sit in vajrasana.
2. Raise your body and stand on the knees, making the trunk vertical.
3. While exhaling, rest your palms on the hips and bend backwards stretching the spine and thighs and extend the ribs, place both the palm on the right sole one by one.
4. Maintain this posture for about 30 seconds to 60 seconds with normal breathing.
Bharadwajasana [Hip opening posture]
Bharadwaja is one of the seven great saints (Saptarishis). This asana has calming effects on your body and helps to soothe your nervous system.
How to do Bharadwajasana:
1. Sit in Dandasana.
2. while inhaling, fold both the legs. Bring both the feet by the side of right buttock and place the left foot on the ground, left heel touching the right buttock and toes pointing towards the right side.
3. Place the right foot over the left foot, toes pointing backwards.
Maintain this posture for about 30 seconds to 60 seconds with normal breathing.
Note: Those with diarrhoea, severe knee and back problem should avoid this asana.
Janu Sirsasana -[Head to knee posture]

Janu means knee and Sirsa mean head.
Method to follow Janu Sirsasana :
1. Sit in dandasana, while inhaling fold the left or right leg and place it close to the root of thigh.
2. While inhaling raise both the arms up and while exhaling bend forward and hold the right or left foot with both the hands, pull the spine up and look straight.
3. Exhale and bend further down and place the chin on the right leg beyond or on the knee.
4. Do not bend your knees and left or the right heel touches the perineum and sole pressing the inner side of the thigh.
Note: Those suffering from slip disc or sciatica should avoid this asana.
Baddha Konasana - [ Bound angle pose or Cobbler's Posture]
Baddha means caught, bound or restrained. Kona means angle.
Method to follow Baddha Konasana:
1. Sit and bring both the feet towards your groin with the knees bent out to the sides and fingers around the toes.
2. Keep your back flat and chest open.
3. Press the knees down towards the floor to open the hips.
4. Breath and hold for 6 to 12 breaths.
5. Stretch your legs out and gently shake your legs.
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