Is coconut oil better than olive oil for weight loss?


benefits of coconut oil and benefits of olive oil

What is the difference between Coconut oil and Olive oil?
Coconut oil and Olive oil are very good to use but have different sets of purpose.
a. Coconut oil is really good for the immune system and weight loss in a keto diet.
b. Olive oil is heavy on Omega 6 fatty acids, it is one of the oils being an omega 6.

Benefits of Coconut Oil:
1. Good in supporting the Immune System
2. Cooking
3. 92% Saturated [Stable the cholesterol]
4. Energy
5. Increase HDL and Lowers LDL

Benefits of Olive Oil:
1. Med Cooking and Salad
2. Supporting a healthy Heart and stabilizes blood sugars
3. 78% Monosaturated
4. Extra Nutrients beyond vitamins and minerals
5. Anti-Inflammatory

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